#MOTHERMUSE Hayley Smith

I tend to find my energy from my surroundings, the ocean, my family, my mum, where do you find your energy for life from?
Something I have realised about myself as I have gotten older is that I really need quiet alone time to recharge. So, I definitely think spending time by myself where I don’t need to talk, do anything and no one needs anything from me is very important and how I find energy. I love being social sometimes but I think it’s so important to have downtime, especially in such a fast-paced world, we sometimes forget to slowdown. I think it’s so important to have time where you have nothing to do and can experience boredom. Our lives can have so much constant input and entertainment from our phones our brains don’t get a chance to switch off. Besides that, I think daily sunshine definitely helps when I’m feeling a bit flat and a swim in the ocean is always refreshing.
What's your favourite activity to do in mother nature with your family?
I think we all love just being outdoors together doing nothing in particular. Finding new swimming holes, looking at bugs and flowers, lying in the sun and exploring. I definitely find parenting outdoors can be a lot easier too. So, if we are having a hard day, getting out and going for a walk or to the beach changes everyone’s mood.
What values do you hope to instil in your little girl?
I have realised that my daughter will get her understanding of value mainly from me. She will see how I value myself, how I respond to situations, the words I speak to others and the way I speak about myself.
It’s so important that I show her that I value myself and value her as well.
I hope that I can raise her to be confident, kind and compassionate. I want her to be comfortable to be herself, know that she is enough and not worry about what people think. The way others treat her is more a reflection of them as a person and not her. I want her to know that It’s okay to make mistakes and she can come to me with anything and I’ll always be there for her. I hope to show her that girls are strong and smart and our value is so much more than the way we look. True beauty is on the inside and in the way in which we make others feel.
What is your approach to beauty? Do you choose natural beauty? If so, why?
I would say I’m more on the natural side of things. I have never been a big makeup wearer, besides eye makeup sometimes. I think I have always just felt comfortable in my own skin and have never had the desire to wear heavy makeup. As I am getting older and aging, I’m finding I am appreciating my features a lot more, especially as I am seeing them in my daughter. I won’t be getting Botox or fillers and want to show my daughter to embrace her natural beauty. Ageing is a privilege and I want her to grow up feeling proud when people say she looks like me. Makeup can be used as a way to make us feel fancy and it isn’t what makes someone beautiful.
What do you look for in an SPF that you can use on yourself and your family?
Definitely a broad-spectrum sunscreen that is mineral / zinc based and uses as many natural ingredients as possible. I have really sensitive skin so need to be mindful about what I put on my face and am careful about what I put on my daughter’s skin. I avoid anything with harmful ingredients like fragrance as these can cause major issues to our bodies.
If you could pass on some knowledge to your younger self, what would it be?
Trust your instincts more, when people show you who they really are, believe them the first time. Don’t let people treat you badly, don’t waste your time and energy on people who don’t deserve it.
You are enough and everything’s going to be okay.